Hello Norwest Community!
Do you want to be involved in your neighbourhood? Are you passionate about keeping our neighbourhood clean and beautiful? Wonder no more! Let’s make a positive impact together by coming together for a Clean-up Drive. Our goal is to target different areas in Norwest that could use a little extra care, and we need your help to make it happen! Spread the word and bring your friends and family along.
Date: September 16th, Saturday
Time: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Meeting Point: Mulpha Sales & Experience Centre, 36 Solent Cct, Norwest, 2153.
Duration: 1 Hour cleaning and 1 Hour community building.
By participating in this clean-up drive, you’re not only contributing to a cleaner environment but also fostering a stronger sense of community. Let’s show our collective commitment to keeping Norwest clean and green!
We will have sausage sizzle and refreshments after we are done at the Norwest Quarter Community Garden, where we can spend some quality time with each other!
Click here! to rsvp. The event name is “Norwest Community Clean Up Drive!”